Sensory Learners

The Tactile System

The Tactile System

The Tactile System
Oversensitive to touch (sample behaviors)
-rubs off casual touches and pushes others away to avoid closeness
-dislikes messy activities (cooking, painting, using chalk, etc.)
-bothered by certain types of clothing and sensitive to sock seams, shoes, tags
-becomes anxious or aggressive on windy days
-picky eater, avoids some textured foods, prefers same temperature food
-dislikes swimming, bathing, brushing teeth or having hair cut

Underresponsive to touch
-touch people and objects constantly
-seems unaware of touch unless it's intense (little reaction to pain)
-doesn't notice how clothes fell or if on straight
-chews on inedible objects, sloppy eater, and unaware of messiness on face
-inappropriately "invades" others' space
-doesn't comprehend others' pain and plays too rough

Poor tactile discrimination
-has trouble holding and using tools
-avoids picking up certain objects
-has trouble perceiving objects' physical properties (texture, shape, size, density)
-without visual cues:
     *unable to identify what body parts have been touched
     *clumsy performing tasks of zipping, buttoning, unbuttoning, tying shoes
     *prefers standing to sitting
     *squirms or sits on edge of chair
The Vestibular System

The Vestibular System

The Vestibular System

Oversensitive to balance and movement
-avoids movement
-overreacts negatively and emotionally to ordinary movements
-dislikes running, biking, or dancing
-dislikes playground equipment (swinging,sliding, merry-go-rounds)
-cautious, slow-moving, and sedentary, hesitating to take risks
-doesn't like head to be inverted
-uncomfortable on stairs, clings to walls or banisters
-fear of falling
Underresponsive to balance and movement
-craves instense fast and spinning movements (rocking,jumping, etc.)
-thrill seeker
-moves constantly, trouble staying seated
-enjoys being upside down
-poor balance, falls easily and often
-bumps into objects

Poor discrimination with balance and movement
-easily loses balance when climbing stairs, riding a bike, jumping or standing
-moves in uncoordinated, awkward way
-loose and floppy muscle tone
-tires easily
-poor posture and difficulty remaining upright
-confused about whether she or something else is moving
-problems with directionality
The Proprioceptive System

The Visual System

The Auditory System

Inefficient integration of sensations coming from muscles and joints
-problems with touch or balance and movement as well
-poor sense of body awareness
-stiff, uncoordinated, and clumsy, falling and tripping frequently
-lean, bump or crash against objects and people
-unable to do ordinary, familiar things without looking, such as getting dressed
-manipulates objects or tools so hard that they break
-pulls and twist clothing, or chews on sleeves or collars
-has difficulty going up or down stairs
-chews hard on things
-handles toys roughly-lots of banging and breaking
-stamps feet or bangs with hands
-plays too roughly

Visual dysfunction
-shield eyes to screen out sights, close or cover one or squint
-complains about seeing double
-difficulty shifting gaze from one object to another
-confuse likenesses and differences in pictures, words, symbols, and objects
-omit words or numbers and loses places while reading and writing
-difficulty with fine motor tasks

-Covers ears or screams with sudden loud noises (ex. vacuum, toilet flushing)
-Has difficulty locating sound
-Enjoys constantly making sounds (ex. Humming)
-Is constantly distracted by background sounds (fluorescent lights humming)
-Prefers music very loud